Russian-English speaking wedding Officiant Elina. Wedding Ceremonies in New Jersey, PA, CT, and NY. Проведение свадебной церемонии и регистрация брака на русском и английском

Elina lives in Union Beach, New Jersey and is one of our popular Russian-English speaking wedding Officiants. Elina conducts Interfaith Wedding Ceremonies including using elements of traditional Russian, Jewish and Ukrainian weddings. She understands that the wedding ceremony is the most special part of the wedding day, and she is committed to offer you the perfect wedding ceremony to fit your individual needs; whether it is an interfaith ceremony, same sex ceremony, a non-denominational ceremony, or a spiritual ceremony. The ceremony will be warm and professionally delivered, with every effort made to make your day go smoothly in the place where the newlyweds want it: on a rooftop, a boat, a castle, a hotel, in a park, on a beach, or at your private resedence. Elina will listen to your wishes and perform accordingly.
Межконфессиональный капеллан Элина проводит свадебные церемонии на русском и английском языках и регистрирует браки в выбранном молодожёнами месте.

Email: / Phone: (201) 981-2497.


Межконфессиональный капеллан Элина, Russian-English speaking wedding Officiant

Russian wedding minister Elina
Russian wedding minister Elina

Межконфессиональный капеллан Элина, Russian-English speaking wedding Officiant

Email: / Phone: (201) 981-2497.

Russian DJ for hire in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Washington D.C., Pennsylvania, California, Nevada, Vermont, Massachusetts
Russian DJs and MCs for hire in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Washington D.C., Pennsylvania, California, Nevada, Vermont, Massachusetts

Russian Interfaith Wedding Minister Rev. Mikhail, wedding ceremony in Newry, Maine

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